Years of mild winters paired with supply chain issues culminated in a salt shortage that has left area distributors and ...
It is not just Wisconsin’s lakes that need protecting — rising levels of salt in water wells could affect those with sodium ...
A national salt supply shortage recently forced a New York governor to declare a state disaster emergency. Apparently, ...
Legislation introduced recently in the state Assembly would allow local governments to purchase road salt from Canada.
The city didn’t actually spread more salt than usual. But it may have seemed that way, according to the Sanitation Department, because there was less snow and rain.
It turns out President Donald Trump doesn’t have the market cornered on protective trade policies. Back in 2022, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed the New York State Buy American Salt Act, a bill sponsored by ...
Medically reviewed by Simone Harounian, MS Black salt is less processed than regular salt and contains small amounts of trace ...
Honeoye Falls, N.Y. (WHAM) — As winter weather blankets the region, neighbors and businesses are feeling the pinch of a rock salt shortage. Candi Fitzgerald of Honeoye Falls said she searched ...
The town's highway superintendent, Jim Christ, expressed frustration over the dwindling supply and delivery delays from American Rock Salt. "There is probably 100 tons there, not even. That’s ...
The pollution from road salt has only become a major problem in recent years. Looking at the chart below, the United States ...
Legislation introduced recently in the state Assembly would allow local governments to purchase road salt from Canada. Assemblyman Patrick Chludzinski, R-Cheektowaga, has introduced A.5890 to amend ...
With heavy snow, rain and then ice earlier this week, around western Massachusetts and throughout New England, many store shelves are empty of rock salt or de-icer. Even municipalities are running ...