The Nengchu-1 project began construction in 2022 and is now operating at full capacity. Massive abandoned salt mine is now ...
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are nuclear fission reactors in which either the fuel and/or the coolant is a molten salt. Molten salt is salt which liquifies at elevated temperatures and can store ...
Preşedinta USR, Elena Lasconi, a anunţat că Biroul Electoral Central i-a validat candidatura la prezidenţiale, apreciind că ...
The far-right frontrunner in Romania’s presidential vote has been barred from running in May’s election, in an explosive decision that sparked violence on the streets of Bucharest and came ...
În acest interviu exclusiv pentru Q Magazine, Martin J. Stránský ne ajută să înțelegem mai bine cel mai fascinant organ al corpului uman, creierul, și cum se degradează acesta sub asaltul digitalizări ...
Donald Trump’s government is here to help. Romania, a country of 19 million people bordering Ukraine, is now at the center of a transatlantic dispute between allies of the U.S. president and European ...
Disclaimer Cointelegraph is a free to read website, by purchasing a product through affiliate links in our content, we may earn a commission at no extra cost for our readers. Which will allow us ...
"Pentru mine decizia BEC e una previzibilă şi justificată din punct de vedere legal. Jurisprudenţa Curţii Constituţionale este general obligatorie şi aplicarea ei în practică de către organele ...
After hours: March 14 at 7:59:32 PM EDT Loading Chart for AEM ...