Samsung Electronics on Wednesday unveiled its newest Galaxy S25 smartphones, powered by Qualcomm's chips and Google's artificial-intelligence model, hoping its upgraded AI features can reinvigorate ...
The S25 series ships with a new set of software features headlined by Gemini, Google’s AI assistant. It has replaced Samsung’s Bixby chatbot as the default option, but the latter service will remain ...
Samsung’s Galaxy S25 Ultra debuts Gorilla Armor 2, offering improved durability, scratch resistance, and anti-reflective ...
Samsung just teased the Galaxy S25 Edge — the new ultra-slim entry into the Galaxy S25 lineup. The phone isn’t out yet, and ...
Samsung debuted the Galaxy S25, S25+, and S25 Ultra at its Galaxy Unpacked conference, though we still have yet to see its AR ...
Samsung is injecting another dose of artificial intelligence into the next version of its Galaxy smartphones, escalating an ...