The 300-year-old doctrine is being tested by the excesses of digital oligarchs, says historian Fara Dabhoiwala ...
In a democracy, the essence of free speech lies in its ability to protect even the most uncomfortable or controversial expressions. | OPINION ...
Justice Abhay Oka of the Supreme Court on Wednesday emphasized the importance of pro bono work and legal aid, urging young members of the bar to take up such cases, Justice Oka describing ...
With every arrest and vigilante attack, Bangladesh’s culture of repression deepens. ‘You can’t paint, act, or write while looking over your shoulder,’ said an artist.
David Enrich’s new book, ‘Murder the Truth,’ and two classics reveal how efforts to undo Times v. Sullivan endanger ...
locked contentdecided Dzongkha to (a) locked contentan cheese sedition. mistrust. locked content to Drukair (a) for locked contentsedition. Bhutanese mistrust. law, locked content(a ... was of locked ...
BANGKOK (AP) — An independent online news agency in Myanmar said Friday that one of its journalists arrested two years ago ...
President Donald Trump arrives this week on Capitol Hill to deliver a speech to Congress, a coequal branch of government he ...
The provision of Art XI is the call. It is, in fact and in law, an order ... to approve the prosecution of VP Sara for inciting to sedition and grave threats. The NBI criminal charges against ...
The Urdu word ‘Rahzan,’ roughly translated as ‘thief,’ implies that when a woman decides to pursue something, she must endure ...
That earned me charges of sedition and illegal assembly ... and the legal luminaries who were defending us, including UP law professor Haydee Yorac and human rights lawyers Arno Sanidad and William ...