The show follows the employees at Lumon Industries, who are installed with a chip that makes them into 'severed employees', separating their professional lives (innie) from their private lives (outie) ...
Since season 2 of "Severance" is slowly revealing itself, here are five similar films/TV shows similar that fans can and should watch in the meantime.
We’ll kick things off with new and returning shows and movies, of which there are a fair amount this weekend, beginning with ...
We’re only one episode into Severance Season 2, but the elaborate fan theories are already flying. Severance Season 2, ...
What to watch and the best of what's new on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Disney+, Apple TV+, Peacock, and Paramount+.
The series is an exquisite, masterful work of TV, cramming sci-fi creepiness, wry social commentary and black humor inside of a tightly constructed story.
Severance' creator Dan Erickson breaks down Season 2, Episode 1, including Helly's lie, that Gemma tease and the new child ...
As "Severance" finally returns, it's time we acknowledge that Apple TV+ is a great streaming service.
After three long years, "Severance" season 2 is finally here, with the first episode debuting on Apple TV Plus last night.
Each episode of “Severance” drops at midnight PT and 3 a.m. ET on Apple TV+. There are 10 total episodes in this season.
Severance season 2 episode 1 is out now on Apple TV Plus – and I've got some big new theories about what's going on.
Severance' breakout star Tramell Tillman teases a new, improved Mr. Milchick in the second season of the Apple TV+ thriller ...