You may have to remove a pull tab to activate the battery before you attach your smoke detector to the base. Check the ...
Installing and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors can save your life. Fortunately, they’re inexpensive and easy to put in place. Basic smoke detectors cost as little as $15 and ...
Q: About 10 years ago, I replaced the original wired smoke alarms in my home with wired dual sensors that use both photoelectric and ionization technology. Because I’ve read that in-home smoke ...
Push the button and bear the piercing sound at least twice per year, advise experts who stress the importance of testing smoke alarms. Most people probably agree, but actually doing it is the hard ...
You may want to get rid of some clothes or reorganize your home, but one thing you should do is check your smoke detectors. Bangor Assistant Fire Chief Chandler Corriveau said it’s the perfect ...