The preservation site today boasts the church, one-room school, a slave cemetery, and soapstone rock outcrops used by the Cherokee for centuries as the source material for cooking implements. “I stand ...
Soapstone is a non-porous, heat-resistant, naturally occurring metamorphic rock that makes a beautiful and durable countertop material. Soapstone is composed primarily of talc (yes, the same main ...
The preservation site today boasts the church, one-room school, a slave cemetery, and soapstone rock outcrops used by the Cherokee for centuries as the source material for cooking implements.
The buildings and grounds include the church, a one-room school, a slave cemetery and soapstone rock outcrops used by the Cherokee for centuries as the source material for cooking implements.
The preservation site today boasts the church, one-room school, a slave cemetery, and soapstone rock outcrops used by the Cherokee for centuries as the source material for cooking implements.