Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has donned the hat of a director with his latest film, 'Fateh', which hit theatres on January 10.
Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has donned the hat of a director with his latest film, 'Fateh', which hit theatres on January ...
Actor Sonu Sood has opened up about the challenges he faced during his directorial debut with the film titled 'Fateh.'In a ...
A Bhopal-based artist created a unique portrait of Sonu Sood using his own blood after being inspired by Sood's latest film ...
Noted city artist Raj Saini, using his own blood, created a portrait of actor and philanthropist Sonu Sood on the success of ...
Actor Sonu Sood credits his fitness to a strict vegetarian diet, recently eliminating chapatis, and emphasises healthy, ...