It is best to water strawberries early in the morning, giving the leaves and fruit time to dry off throughout the day. "This ...
If pollen from a hot pepper fertilizes the flower of a sweet pepper, all the hot pepper genes from the father plant go into ...
Insects’ aversion to worm castings is demonstrated when they are spread over ant nests, causing the ants to remove themselves from the nests. If you have an issue with ants climbing up the trunks of ...
Dear Master Gardener: Can a dwarf Korean lilac be purchased in tree form?
"Foliage that is wet could lead to powdery mildew or rot." Overwatered strawberry plants may show signs of brown circling on the leaves, moldy fruit, droopy leaves, or smelly roots. Symptoms of ...
Strawberries are the flavour of early summer and are easy ... and then plant them in a new bed in autumn. Powdery mildew shows as red patches on upper leaves, a white covering on the leaves, and ...
While fruits such as strawberries, lychees and tomatoes ... Grape vines in the US are being armed against a common powdery mildew. There are even plans to edit the pearl millet to improve the ...