If you're one of the many Americans still paying off your student loans, there's a special tax deduction you should know ...
With tax season right around the corner, it is necessary to know our income and expenses and how they affect our tax return.
Student loan forgiveness has been in the forefront, but the potential elimination of the student loan interest deduction warrants close attention, too.
People preparing to file taxes for the 2024 tax year may be eligible to claim a student loan tax deduction for interest payments.
If you paid interest on your student loan debt in 2024, you may be able to deduct up to $2,500 from your taxable income.
If you’re not sure which ones you may qualify for, here are some common deductions and credits new tax return filers can take.
Deductions can make the difference in your tax refund amount. Here's what to know about tax rates for year 2024, how to track ...