Alex Garland & Ray Mendoza present a bloody and tension-packed 90 minutes of realistic warfare in their brutal new movie that ...
La douleur m’a brisée, la fraternité m’a relevée, de ma blessure a jailli un fleuve de liberté” “Pain broke me, brotherhood uplifted me, from my wounds sprang a river of liberty” -Paul Doret ...
In discarding Hollywood tropes in favor of truth, “Warfare” is one of the most viscerally powerful stories about combat ever ...
At best, Warfare is an artfully made recreation; at worst it is naked military propaganda set during one of the country’s most egregious moments of imperialism.
One of my go-to gripes about movies these days is that titles tend to really suck. There is a tendency for them to be far too ...
The film about real-life concentration camp survivor and artist Joseph Bau also stars Inbar Lavi, Yan Tual, Adam Tsekhman and ...
Shaped from the memories of Navy SEALS on a 2006 mission in Iraq, the drama features rising stars including Joseph Quinn, Kit ...