The cemetery website unpublished links to lists of notable graves, walking tours and other material about Black, Hispanic and ...
During World War Two, his grandfather, Willett Boger, served as a lieutenant in the United States Navy, sailing with Admiral William "Bull" Halsey's fleet in the South Pacific Theater.
At his new, Seabee-built headquarters on Guam, Chester William Nimitz sat at a shiny ... attentively while his flying officers—”Bull” Halsey, Forrest (“Fuzz”) Sherman, Frederick ...
Here is a brief rundown of some coming entertainment options in Northeast Ohio. Make submissions for consideration via email to [email protected] or [email protected]. You ...
For about 36 hours beginning Dec. 18, 1944, Typhoon Cobra battered the Waterman and the rest of Admiral William Frederick “Bull” Halsey’s fleet with up to 140 mph winds and waves up to 80 ...