There’s something about walking into Ginger and Baker that feels like home. It's a must visit, any time of the day!
More than 20 health care providers are leaving one of Northern Colorado's largest primary care practices this month, a Coloradoan analysis found.
Two people are in the hospital after crashing a car into a Fort Collins home that then caught fire early Friday morning, ...
Multiple crews responded to a Fort Collins home that sustained damage Friday morning when a car crashed into it and the structure caught fire.
A Fort Collins dentist has pleaded guilty in federal court to hiding more than $3.5 million from the IRS in an illegal tax shelter over six years.
Local Practitioner Used Illegal Tax Shelter to Hide Income from IRS FORT COLLINS, CO – A Fort Collins dentist has pleaded guilty to six counts of tax evasion after authorities uncovered a ...
Ryan Ulibarri pleaded guilty to six counts of tax evasion. He owned and operated Ulibarri Family Dentistry in Fort Collins.
A Colorado dentist with a Fort Collins-based practice pleaded guilty Friday to six counts of tax evasion related to using a ...
The college hopes to bring more professionals into the dental field while serving historically underrepresented communities.
A Fort Collins dentist pleaded guilty this week to hiding more than $3.5 million in income from the IRS using an illegal tax ...
Fort Collins is possibly best-known as the home of Colorado State University, but it caters to visitors of all ages, not just ...