The animated series Creature Commandos, written and produced by James Gunn, has been renewed for Season 2. The show features a covert black ops team of non-human monsters and is part of the new DC ...
Frank Grillo as Rick Flag Sr.; Neva Howell as Martha Kent; and Pruitt Taylor Vince as Jonathan Kent. As you can probably tell from those character names, a lot of these folks are going to help usher ...
The DC Studios’ first outing, Creature Commandos might be getting a second season. Read on to learn the details as Max and ...
Superman’s first trailer left viewers speechless with help from the variety of DC Comics characters that appeared. Here is ...
The Art of Ryan Meinerding, the artist reveals that an updated version of Steve Rogers' suit from The Avengers was cut from ...
During a Superman set visit, director James Gunn explained why he isn't worried about spoilers despite hating when people ...
A driver involved in a tragic hit-and-run incident in Phuket turned himself into the police. Police confirmed that the driver will face charges for his actions following the fatal accident that ...