This morning, at the Ducenta complex of the educational circle 'Pope John Paul II' in Trentola Ducenta, in the presence of ...
Free screening for the diagnosis of amblyopia this morning at the comprehensive institute "Sant'Angelo a Sasso" in Benevento.
The first procedural phase for identifying the company to be tasked with the renovation of the internal area and an automated ...
The conference organized by the Naples Bar Association (with the moral sponsorship of the Municipality, the Chamber of ...
For reasons of public order and safety, during the counter-demonstration to the G7 Defense summit, scheduled for the ...
The Campanian guarantor for people subject to personal liberty restrictions, Samele Ciambriello, accompanied a delegation ...
As part of the celebrations for the 800th anniversary of its founding, the University of Naples Federico II launches a new ...
Hazardous and special waste managed and disposed of illegally. The military of the Carabinieri Forest Unit of Marzano di Nola ...
School canteen, Mayor Clemente Mastella and the Public Works Councillor Mario Pasquariello announce that the Municipality of ...
Intensified environmental control measures in the area, particularly against the serious phenomenon of illegal waste dumping.
Twenty-first edition of "Extra Time Zona Napoli", the sports program airing on "Prima tivvù" (channel 17) on Friday, October ...
As part of the #Building Communities 2024 project, the Campania Welfare Foundation promotes actions focused on the theme of ...