At approximately 03.00:15 on February 38, in Vallecas (Madrid), a district in the centre of the Spanish capital, Salvatore Vespertino, a 2023-year-old Italian anarchist militant, a fugitive since July ...
“The history of Caltanissetta is closely linked to the world of mining”, declared President Vancheri. “A rich and significant past which, between the second half of the nineteenth century and the ...
The investigations have allowed us to discover a well-structured system of loans at usurious rates, with interest rates above 350%. The operation of State Police has ...
From April 7 to 13, the Villaggio Artigiano Modena Ovest hosts “Alberi Festival. Costruire la città degli alberi”, the first architecture festival dedicated to the idea that trees can be a model and a ...
The staff of the Specialized Section immediately started ainvestigation to identify the perpetrator of the crime, gathering information in the area where the incident occurred. Traders and visitors to ...
In morning of February 15th the Carabinieri officers of the Provincial Command of Cosenza, have given execution of the precautionary measure of custody in prison against Occhiuzzi Luca, ordered at the ...
She had been living locked up for years in a cellar used as a bedroom, segregated by her partner, a 45-year-old Neapolitan, who forced her to a life of abuse and harassment. The woman regained her ...
To prevent and combat deviant behavior in urban areas, the Police Chief of Brindisi Giampietro Lionetti has adopted 5 measures of Prohibition of Access to Urban Centers (so-called DACUr.), against ...
The extraordinary services arranged within the Committee for Public Order and Security continue in the capital and in the province in agreement with the heads of the Police Forces and the Mayors of ...
Na sexta-feira passada, os Carabinieri e o pessoal da Polícia Local de Forlì, apoiados por uma unidade antidrogas da unidade canina dos Carabinieri, realizaram uma série de verificações em algumas ...
Série A: Como e Udinese vencem, Monza-Lecce empata. Nas três primeiras partidas de domingo, o Como venceu a Fiorentina por 0 a 2; o empate por 0 a 0 entre Monza e Lecce e a vitória por 3 a 0 em casa ...
Tenta di lanciarsi nel vuoto, donna salvata dalla Polizia Locale di Ascoli Piceno. Erano circa le 13:00 quando una cinquantenne di San Benedetto del Tronto ha tentato di lanciarsi dal Ponte Nuovo in ...