Mélodie plays at home with the model Stoosbahn funicular railway she built herself and dreams of adventure. Before she knows ...
The moon shines big and bright in the clear night sky. The snow glistens, the stars sparkle, and the lights of Engelberg ...
Temple d'Yverdon-les-Bains, thirty-minute organ recital from 11.00 am to 11.30 am, free admission and collection at the door.
In the Bernese Seeland, slightly set back from the road and elevated, stands a stately farmhouse with a broad, low-pitched ...
Professor Orfeo Mandozzi and the cello ensemble of the Zurich University of the Arts invite you to a concert: They will play: ...
Various Appenzell craftsmen and women will be showing you their handicrafts in the Appenzell Museum and will be happy to ...
OSI principal conductor Markus Poschner and the great Geneva flutist Emmanuel Pahud will be the protagonists of the next ...
Above all, songs + Zäuerli will be sung, which always delight the audience with their simplicity and clarity. The evening is ...
It's a great opportunity to discover the richness of our region's wildlife on giant tarpaulins. It's also a way of realizing ...
Close Encounters Theatre presents a macabre spectacle unlike any other! Prepare to be spellbound by the eerie and eccentric ...
Salon der Gegenwart 10 Jahre alt und das Kunsthaus Zofingen widmet dem Jubiläum eine Ausstellung in Zusammenarbeit mit den ...