A Disease Outbreak News (DON) has been posted for Acute respiratory infections complicated by malaria (previously undiagnosed disease) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) ...
تونس العاصمة-تونس (بانا)-قالت وزيرة المالية التونسية،سهام البوغديري"إننا سنفي بكل تعهداتنا والتزاماتنا الداخلية والخارجية وسنصل إلى الايفاء بكامل الالتزامات الداخلية والخارجية من حيث سداد الديون، ...
The UN Secretary-General on Thursday condemned the deadly escalation between Yemen and Israel, following Israeli airstrikes that reportedly killed at least three people, injured dozens, and struc ...
طرابلس-ليبيا(بانا)- اتفق المشاركون في ورشة عمل نظمتها بعثة الأمم المتحدة للدعم في ليبيا وبرنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي حول ...
نواكشوط-موريتانيا(بانا)- صادقت الحكومة الموريتانية ، على مشروع قانون يغير شروط تأسيس الأحزاب السياسية وحلها ...
The United States says it is concerned by the 23 December announcement by the Mozambican Constitutional Council regarding the controversial 9 October national elections in the country ...
South Africa has addressed the political turmoil in Mozambique, saying the escalating protests against the election results should be solved through dialogue ...
Civilian casualties and injuries continue to be reported across Gaza due to the ongoing hostilities, with most families unable to afford basic food as the humanitarian situation deteriorates, a UN spo ...
A Agência Panafricana de Notícias nasce da vontade de alguns Estados de dotar África de uma ferramenta de comunicação privilegiada cuja missão consista em produzir e difundir, dentro do continente e ...