Reliance on a hand calculator risks reducing a child to a data entry operator, so only the device has the cognitive ability ...
OKRs and KPIs help companies measure progress and success, but they focus on different areas in complementary ways. Here's how to use them effectively.
If, during initialization, the Spring container loads a bean decorated with the @ComponentScan annotation, Spring will search within that class' package and subpackages for @Component annotated ...
Spring profiles are an advanced feature in Spring Boot. That's not to say they are difficult to understand -- they're actually very straightforward. However, new Spring developers often brush over the ...
Java has long been a powerhouse programming language thanks to its portability, robustness and extensive ecosystem. However, one major challenge for Java developers is interoperation with native code.
Community driven content discussing all aspects of software development from DevOps to design patterns. I sometimes feel as though the Spring Boot banner is mocking me. I’m working hard, ...
Community driven content discussing all aspects of software development from DevOps to design patterns. Consider a simple example of testing a number-guessing game. If the application generates a ...
Java is an excellent general-purpose programming language. So, what is wrong with just using Java for everything? Why use any other language? Java is far from slow. It is orders-of-magnitude faster ...
The interface segregation principle (ISP), one of the five SOLID principles of object-oriented design, states that no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use. When developers ...
Community driven content discussing all aspects of software development from DevOps to design patterns. Fundamentally, these two file formats provide the exact same functionality. Any property that ...
Community driven content discussing all aspects of software development from DevOps to design patterns. According to the pundits, developers should write Git commit messages in the imperative mood.