Recently, Kapil Sharma welcomed Baby John's team, including Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, and Atlee, to his show. As the season's grand finale proceeded, Kapil subtly cracked a joke ...
Filmmaker Atlee is gearing up for the release of his latest production venture, 'Baby John', starring Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh, and Wamiqa Gabbi. The film is an official adaptation of Atlee ...
Atlee, who is busy with the promotions of Baby John, appeared on The Great Indian Kapil Show on Saturday. A section of social media users felt that host Kapil Sharma tried to insult Atlee for his ...
Atlee is producing Baby John, the Hindi adaptation of the Tamil film Theri, starring Varun Dhawan in the lead role. The film is releasing on December 25. Shah Rukh Khan and Atlee worked together ...
The World Pickleball League kicks off on January 24 and features 48 players from India and across the world playing for six ...
Kapil Sharma has responded to social media criticism over his alleged reference to Atlee’s appearance. The actor-comedian reacted to a viral video of his interaction with the Jawan director ...
Tamil director Atlee, known for his mass-appeal films like 'Jawan', is venturing into production. He announced his collaboration with Vijay Sethupathi in a film directed by Balaji Tharaneetharan ...
Director Atlee appeared on The Great Indian Kapil Show on Saturday to promote his upcoming film, Baby John. He joined the grand finale episode with the film’s team including Varun Dhawan ...