perhaps owing to its low affinity for microtubules. As the cytosolic proteins can freely access the lumen of primary cilia (Lin et al., 2013), the addition of rapamycin rapidly trapped the CCP5CD-FKBP ...
Cilia are derived from BBs, and the centrioles are the primary ... complex and nine parallel doublet MTs known as peripheral microtubules (PMTs), forming a so-called ‘9 + 2’ structure. Additionally, ...
Sjögren’s syndrome nuclear autoantigen-1 (SSNA1/NA14) is a microtubule-associated protein with important functions in cilia, dividing cells, and developing neurons. However, the direct effects of ...
Microtubule also exists as highly stable doublet microtubules in the cilia where stability is needed for ciliary beating and function. The doublet microtubule maintains its stability through ...