Cottage garden style is all about layering flowers, a tenet that Fish happily applied to her garden. The pathway leading up to it is lined with lady’s mantle, purple columbine, lavender, and ‘Sarah ...
Hummingbirds are a colorful and joyful addition to your yard. If you want to draw them in, consider this unique vine that ...
By sending off now for seeds – pelargoniums, marigolds, sweet peas and cosmos among them – and sowing them under cover, you’ll cut your costs, but double your fun ...
A chunky, extra-fluffy kitty cat was found near Texas Tech University. It could not have gotten that chubby without a few treats from a loving home. We've helped lots of lost animals in Lubbock find ...
They’re perfect for covering latticework, wire mesh or cable-wire fences. Backward-facing thorns or spikes on stems grab onto any support – climbing roses and bougainvillea are good examples. Often ...
It may be too early to plant annuals such as geraniums ... yellow daffodils Narcissus Tete a tete Hedera helix climber climbing plant Polyanthus primula primrose deep blue purple blooms annual ...
Luca Vallata reports about a climbing trip to the Hoggar massif in Algeria. With Richard Felderer and Federico Martinelli the trio repeated and established several routes; the standout climb was the ...
March is the month gardeners annually yearn for, marking the transition from winter to spring. The spring equinox comes on March 20 when the sun crosses the celestial equator – an imaginary line ...
Add pops of color to your garden with annuals or opt for perennials for long-lasting blooms. March is an excellent time to plant a variety of vegetables, annuals, and bulbs in Florida. Is spring ...