Recent human-coyote encounters in Bellevue, Washington, have raised concerns among wildlife officials and residents.
The populations of these apex and meso-predators are increasing. Prior to the 1990s, one or two wolves would stray across the ...
Many creatures have imprinted on our hearts — and even a city sidewalk — for making their homes near ours. Here’s a look back ...
In the day and late at night, coyotes are making their presence known in Houston area neighborhoods. Brian Moss, owner of ...
In the months since the defeat of a ballot measure aimed at banning the hunting of mountain lions, bobcats, and lynx, ...
This week (March 17-23) is Coyote Awareness Week. Coyotes are sometimes maligned and misunderstood. Yet, many Vermonters ...
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is encouraging New Yorkers to help do their part to prevent ...
Costa Rica's diverse wildlife—from inquisitive monkeys to elusive big cats and surprising crocodiles—react to camera traps, ...
Our new city slickers have yellow eyes, long furry snouts and pointy ears that stand up. And boy, are they clever.
From using house plants to keep warm to handy 10-minute tricks that ‘trap heat’, you won’t have to worry about wearing your hat, gloves and scarf inside anymore with these handy hacks.
One coyote was killed after multiple biting reports in Bellevue, Washington, officials said. Officers are looking for a second animal.
Michigan shortened the coyote season in 2024 to avoid orphaning newborn pups, but a year later the issue is again rearing its head for state game regulators.