Artist Anne Shelton explores the contemporary treatment of healers, gardeners, foragers and 'wise women' in her award-winning ...
Scopolamine is also present in Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium), a plant found in most of the Latin American countries. Stories about Datura are heard since childhood. One can be hypnotised if you ...
Want to try something poisonous and psychoactive or a new sweet treat? The UC Berkeley Campus has several free options to ...
Check out COMMON WEEDS AND THEIR SCIENTIFIC NAMES WITH PICTURES IN NIGERIA. Discover the weeds that are a menace to farmers, their names, and photos.
The Purple Datura is a species of plant that is extensively used for Ayurvedic and religious purposes in India and now is also being used in the beauty segment as well. (Image Credits: Pinterest ...
The Purple Datura is a species of plant that is extensively used for Ayurvedic and religious purposes in India and now is also being used in the beauty segment as well.
Voilà de jolies variétés de plantes grasses d'extérieur capables de résister à toutes les conditions météo, même les plus rudes. Les plantes grasses d'extérieur ont plus d'un atout : elles apportent ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This undated image provided by All-America Selections shows Petunia Dekko™ Maxx™ Pink, an AAS-winning ...
Quelles plantes d’extérieur choisir lorsqu’on est un jardinier débutant ou que l’on souhaite avoir un beau jardin mais très facile à entretenir ? Pour une sortie d’hiver colorée ...
Scopolamine is also present in Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium), a plant found in most of the Latin American countries. Devil's Breath effects seem to be quite like Datura. Pharmacologically ...
Votre pièce manque de lumière ou est exposée au nord, mais vous rêvez quand même d'un peu de verdure ? Bonne nouvelle, certaines plantes s'épanouissent même ...
Les sansevières sont des plantes d’intérieur parfaites, quasi indestructibles, idéales pour tous ceux qui n’ont pas le pouce vert et qui sont de véritables tueurs de plantes en série!