Passengers aboard a whale-watching boat were treated to the spectacular sight of two killer whales speeding through the water alongside them during a trip out of Oregon’s Depoe Bay on March 25.Footage ...
Founder Sarah Shaoul said Bricks Need Mortar received fewer responses because small business owners have “little bandwidth.” ...
Senate Bill 470, if passed, would allow guests at hotels and vacation rentals to sue if they are filmed or photographed in private, expanding the rights of guests to not be filmed or photographed ...
Southern resident orcas from the L Pod made a rare appearance near Depoe Bay on March 24. The sighting coincided with ...
As the name implies, these larger waves can sneak up on unsuspecting beachgoers since they randomly occur amid smaller waves ...
Enjoy breathtaking views and cozy accommodations when you book a stay at one of the best hotels along the Oregon Coast with ...
“Spectacular scenery, dynamic cities and culinary adventures make it hard to run out of things to do in Oregon,” Lonely ...
More than 19,000 gray whales are expected to pass by Oregon's shores from late winter through June as they migrate back to ...
Oregon State Parks will host Spring Whale Watch Week along the Oregon Coast Saturday, March 22-30.
Whale Watching Week means better views and nicer weather to see gray whales. However, gray whale calf numbers are at historic ...
Oregon State Parks will host Spring Whale Watch Week along the Oregon Coast Saturday, March 22 through Sunday, March 30.
Get up early. Winds, and therefore the waves, are mellower in the morning. Later in the day, the sun may cast a glare on the ...