Weather stations in Cumbria, County Down, Merseyside, Northumbria and Sunderland are forecasting severe snow on January 1.
THREE fugitives have been convicted over their involvement in a people smuggling ring which transported thousands and saw migrants sexually abused.
Residents of more than a dozen New Jersey counties have reported seeing large, low-flying objects hovering in the sky in recent weeks.
The New Jersey State Bar Association Board of Trustees presented its annual Amicus and Legislative Awards to more than a ...
Hollywood legend James Earl Jones died of complications of diabetes at the age of 93 at home in New York on September 9 of ...
In recent years, starting in the pre-dawn hours of each Patriots' Day — the real Patriots' Day, on April 19 — Tonner joins about 20 other reenactors to march 10 miles over seven hours, rain or shine, ...
while they had also looked up how to get to Southend-on-Sea in Essex. But their escape plan was thwarted after Isabella's body was discovered under a pile of blankets in a pushchair by police ...
The release of the New Year Honours provides an opportunity to celebrate individual outstanding achievements and ...
There have been a number of police officers to have been banned from the service for inappropriate conduct in the past year ...