Assorted Notes from the Unearthly Archive,' 'Into the Unknown,' and Cyberpunk backgrounds are all in this week's 5E ...
The gnomish language, or Gnim, is the native tongue of the petite, intellectual Gnome people. It is notable not just for ... any druid who broke this rule would lose their power immediately, but the ...
DnD stats are the foundation of Dungeons and Dragons’ in-depth mechanics. When a creature wants to act, they’ll be called to make a dice roll, and their stats will modify the make-or-break results. A ...
And finally some new magic items and spells along for the ride. All of which has me even more excited for Forge of the Artificer. This book is a “companion piece” for the main 5E setting book, Eberron ...
No themed Icons gnomeTheme.noThemedIcons Use default Firefox icons instead of the included icons. Hide redundant WebRTC indicator since GNOME provides their own privacy icons in the top right. Hide ...
You will then need to reload GNOME shell, for example by login out and in again, or under Xorg, alt+f2 and type r. If you want to sponsor me, first of all thank you very much! That really is not a ...