Two high-profile author events are coming to Decatur ― a festival of women writers and a conversation between two brilliant thinkers on the topic of Christianity.
The belief that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ wife is a notion that modern and ancient scholars have theorized about from the gnostic "Gospel of Mary" to Dan Brown’s book The DaVinci Code in which Brown ...
Often programs spout poor scholarship, blatant lies and historical inaccuracies, for example, a recent History channel documentary about Mary Magdalene which paints Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code as ...
"[Jesus Seminar advocates] tend to say our primary and most important source of Jesus has not been canonical gospel in the New Testament, but rather extra biblical sources like the Gnostic gospels, ...
Scholars debate whether the Gospel stories preserve ancient memories or are just Greek literature in disguise. But there’s a ...
A powerful Gospel text for the Real Presence of Christ ... St. Ignatius of Antioch warned the Smyrnaeans about the Docetes - gnostic heretics: They (the Docetes) have no care for love, no thought ...
The Third Epistle of John (3 John) is the shortest book in the New Testament, with a word count of 219 words in the original ...
The Church needs to be Thermostat above culture. New Testament Gospel writings from the first century church admonish the first century churches to get their act together and dont ...
The Gospel of Thomas is a Gnostic writing. Gnosticism is any religious reliance on special insight and wisdom that is not available to the uninitiated and those unprepared for it. This so-called ...