The beloved 1990 holiday film stars a young Macaulay Culkin as a little boy named Kevin who accidentally gets left home alone during Christmas and has to deal with a pair of would-be burglars.
A Leamington school has created a YouTube video which is a parody of the hit Christmas film Home Alone and it has gone viral.
A far cry from his well-known role as a bumbling house burglar in Christmas classic Home Alone, Marv star Daniel Stern leads ...
"Home Alone" director Chris Columbus shared on The Hollywood Reporter's "Awards Chatter" podcast how Macaulay Culkin was cast ...
For more than three decades, families and friends have watched a clever 8-year-old outsmart two burglars in “Home Alone.” This holiday movie is full of one-liners and gimmicks that keep ...
The beloved 1990 holiday film stars a young Macaulay Culkin as a little boy named Kevin who accidentally gets left home alone during Christmas and has to deal with a pair of would-be burglars. Hughes ...