A worker was hospitalized after a container of muriatic acid was improperly discarded with household trash, releasing ...
The one minute test recommends taking baking soda with water on an empty stomach, which will result in burping.
Do not attempt to perform this demonstration. Small pieces of Solid sodium metal are placed in two different concentrations of two different acids (hydrochloric acid and nitric acid). The sodium ...
A cotton swab is dipped into concentrated hydrochloric acid (producing hydrogen chloride gas) while a second on is dipped into concentrated aqueous ammonia (producing ammonia gas). Both cotton swabs ...
We can use a gas syringe to measure the reaction of metals with dilute acid. When zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid it produces zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. We can measure the rate of the ...
Unlike the other tests described on this page, the test for carbonate ions works whatever acid is added. Explain why, in a test for sulfate ions, the sample is acidified with hydrochloric acid first.
hydrochloric acid, hydrogen, bleach products and potassium hydroxide. The Epoxy segment produces and sells epoxy materials, which include allyl chloride, epichlorohydrin, liquid epoxy resins and ...