While the type of salt you use can add unique flavours to your meals the differences in health benefits are often minimal ...
When the cure becomes the cause, we have failed . Blanket iodisation without targeted evaluation risks creating more health ...
Although iodized table salt largely won't negatively impact the flavor of most dishes, it's worth keeping in mind alternatives like sea salt, kosher salt, and smoked salts that can really give an ...
Kosher salt or sea salt? Which one belongs in your kitchen, and does it really matter? Mark Kurlansky, in Salt: A World ...
Whether it's kosher, Himalayan pink or sea salt, Canadians have a wide range of choices when it comes to salts. But what many of these don't have — or don't have much of — is iodine.
Meanwhile, bakers love fine sea salt. What is a cook to do ... Origin: Mined from salt deposits, some table salt is iodized, to add a nutrient once deficient in daily diets.
Alternatives like sea salt or pink Himalayan salt tend not to contain iodine. Processed foods – the source of an ever-increasing majority of the salt in people's diets – are generally free of ...
Researchers worry that iodine deficiency is making a comeback as people ditch table salt for kosher, pink Himalayan and other ...