Using data from, a list of the most and least-played song live off every studio album released by Metallica.
Arch Enemy guitarist Michael Amott looks back at his childhood and names his five favorite albums when he was a teenager.
It turns out the two have a history of sharing gear – and White has sent the Metallica guitarist some "totally psycho" kit ...
Rather than responding with words, The Horrors show their appreciation through More Than Life ’s wall of oscillating synths.
Jonah Platt, the son of “Snow White” producer Marc Platt, has laid blame for the Disney remake’s lackluster box office ...
Jakob Nowell, son of late Sublime frontman Bradley Nowell, explains how he's working with Eric Wilson and Bud Gaugh to honor his dad's legacy.
Meissner was smart to pick the "Master of Puppets" cover. The song is considered one of the band's greatest songs of all time ...
So it’s interesting that now, in the year of our lord 2025, that Hammett says he thinks fans that once derided the 1996 album ...
Last week, Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett announced his new coffee table book The Collection: Kirk Hammett. As part of the ...
FKA Twigs was scheduled to launch her North American dates on March 26, but visa issues have left her unable to do so.
In an interview with 'Rolling Stone' on Sunday, March 23, Metallica's Kirk Hammett revealed he's working on his debut solo ...