Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family have reached a historic $7.4 billion settlement over lawsuits related to the opioid crisis and their role in the distribution of OxyContin. This settlement aims to ...
The money is part of a pending $7.4 billion settlement reached with members of the Sackler family and their company, Purdue Pharma, Inc., that still needs court approval. Pennsylvania and 14 other ...
Settlement with states to resolve suits over deadly epidemic Deal addresses issue in high court’s rejection of earlier pact Bankrupt Purdue Pharma LP and its owners have agreed to pay $7.4 billion to ...
If one is not reached, it could open the floodgates to lawsuits against Sackler family members.The new settlement could bring to a close a chapter in a long legal saga over the toll of an opioid ...
If one is not reached, it could open the floodgates to lawsuits against Sackler family members.The new settlement could bring to a close a chapter in a long legal saga over the toll of an opioid ...
Our mission at SCCS is to advance the scientific and philosophical understanding of consciousness and to use the insights from this research for the benefit of society, medicine and technology. As ...
Evenimentul, dedicat copiilor cu vârste între 5 și 8 ani, s-a desfășurat la Librăria ”Elena Farago” din Craiova. A oferit micilor participanți oportunitatea de a descoperi lumea fascinantă a poetului ...
AC Cuza a editat în 1914, „Opere complecte”, o colecție a creației eminesciene, apărută la Iași, la Librăria Românească. AC Cuza a scris Prefața și Studiul Introductiv. Anul 1914 a fost momentul în ...
Libris.ro, unul dintre cei mai mari retaileri online de carte din România, a înregistrat o creştere semnificativă de 21% a volumului de cărţi vândute în 2024 comparativ cu anul precedent. Valoarea ...