Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras PBR recently made a significant hydrocarbon discovery in the pre-salt region of the Campos Basin. The discovery was made in the 1-BRSA-1394-RJS well, located 105 ...
Brine from fracking can be saltier than seawater and contain numerous chemicals from the fracking operation, as well as ...
The Atacama Desert is a major source of lithium for EV batteries. As global demand ramps up, the local Lickanantay people are ...
Wastewater volumes in Texas’ Permian Basin have increased to about a billion gallons per day. Treating it would take more energy than used by most states.
European supermajor Shell has taken a final investment decision for the Gato do Mato project in the deepwater section of ...
Shell's subsidiary made FID for Gato do Mato project in Brazil's pre-salt region, with estimated 370M barrels and expected ...
Shell Brasil Petroleo, a subsidiary of Shell (SHEL), has taken the Final Investment Decision for Gato do Mato, a deep-water project in the ...
Brasil Petroleo Ltda., a subsidiary of Shell, has taken the Final Investment Decision for Gato do Mato, a deep-water project in ...