Big waves hit the shore of Phuket, Thailand on December 24 as tourists gathered on a floating pontoon to get into a ferry.
Most IP phone systems are deployed within single buildings or on school facilities that are connected via either wired or ...
During COVID-19, the Bureau of Prisons implemented a policy to allow phone calls to be free to adults in custody (AIC).
With today’s cloud phone systems, it’s easier than ever to set up a communications solution for your business. In fact, you can have cloud phone services up and running in a half an hour or less.
It’s really hard to compare vendors in an apples-to-apples way, but every buyer will have to think about how a phone system handles calls and the other software that must integrate with it.
Discover why (and how) a VoIP gateway is one of the few truly plug-and-play devices in business communications.
A PBX (private branch exchange) system allows an organization to manage incoming and outgoing phone calls, as well as internal communication. A PBX is made up of hardware and software that ...
Today, you can get a business phone system up and running by simply signing up and clicking a button, courtesy of the best Voiceover Internet Protocol (VoIP) services on the market. VoIP allows ...
to make it simple and easy to set up phone handsets to work with your software-based phone system. Some of the best VoIP phones run on modern smartphone operating systems such as Android to give ...
A new voice over internet protocol phone system recently installed at the Colbert County Courthouse not only provided ...