Dividing plants also prevents overcrowding, controls plant growth in your garden, and helps keep the plants healthy. The ...
Hardy geraniums are universally regarded as one of the most popular garden plants, ideal for sunny or shady corners and types ...
Want fresh, delicious fruit? Plant these fast-growing fruit trees that grow well in Southern climates. Experts share what to ...
Philadelphia-area gardeners may turn to tropical plants as dramatic additions to their home gardens. The prime time to plant ...
Gardeners with chickens on their property may need to get strategic in order to save their blooms from scratching.
When spring is in the air, there’s nothing like seeing color in the garden. These bright spring annuals, from violets, pinks, ...
Just because we’ve already enjoyed a couple months of flowers by June doesn’t mean we should give up on the rest of the year ...
Even among the huge variety of houseplants, the shamrock plant still manages to stand out. If you want to add one to your ...
Loropetalums have a bold beauty in landscapes that I admire, but I’ve noticed that the traditional, large varieties can ...
The tradition of hanging nasturtiums was started by Isabella Stewart Gardner herself to mark the arrival of spring.
Most houseplants are tropical plants that require the warm, somewhat humid conditions of their natural habitat. Inside, they ...