More than a dozen new laws will take effect Jan. 1 in Connecticut, including changes to absentee ballots, mandatory paid sick leave, and expanded protections for home health care workers.
(WJAR) — Rhode Island's new rental registry is raising concerns among landlords who worry that without a lead certificate, they’ll face eviction limits. A new state law requires housing ...
(Alexander Castro/Rhode Island Current) A massive cyberattack led the state of Rhode Island Friday to take down its online portal used by residents to obtain social services such as SNAP and Medicaid ...
Dec 14 (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of Rhode Island residents' personal and bank information, including Social Security numbers, were very likely hacked by an international cybercriminal ...
State officials said hundreds of thousands of Rhode Island residents could be affected by a cyberattack on the state’s online portal for social services, with a “high probability” that ...
Anyone who has been involved in Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program known as SNAP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Childcare Assistance Program, Rhode Island Works ...
A Rhode Island man has admitted to using gasoline to set several fires around the exterior of a predominantly Black church earlier this year, according to a federal plea agreement. Prosecutors ...
By Aimee Ortiz The personal and private information of possibly hundreds of thousands of people who applied for government assistance in Rhode Island could be in the hands of hackers after a huge ...
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WJAR) — The Independent Man was returned to the top of the Rhode Island State House on Wednesday. The 15-foot statue was removed just about a year ago for refurbishment.
Some rates use different ages or coverage limits. Travelers has the cheapest rates for most people in Rhode Island, but Amica is the best choice for people who value great customer service. While ...
In 2024, expensive seaside homes were the priciest single-family homes sold in Rhode Island, according to State-Wide MLS (private home sales are not tracked), most of which were historic.
Consider a day trip. Rhode Island has plenty of festive attractions perfect for a day trip. From ice skating to seeing a show, the state offers lots of ways to fill everyone in the family with ...