Eine Serie von Monsterwellen verwüstet die Pazifikküste von Nord- und Südamerika. An Weihnachten gab es Tote und Zerstörung in Kalifornien.
In einem schweren Sturm an der Westküste der USA kam es am Montag zu erheblichen Schäden an der Seebrücke in Santa Cruz, ...
weiter lesen Einmillionster zertifizierter Passivhaus-Quadratmeter befindet sich in Santa Cruz (14.12.2014 ... worden - und zwar mit einem Einfamilien­haus in San­ta Cruz, Kalifornien. weiter lesen ...
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The Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf was set to be reopened this weekend nearly two weeks after a portion of the popular tourist attraction collapsed into the ocean amid a pounding surf.
The damaged Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf is set to reopen Saturday, less than two weeks after powerful waves caused a portion ...
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. - The Santa Cruz wharf is set to reopen on Saturday, less than two weeks after a portion of the wharf collapsed and floated away during severe coastal storms.
The City of Santa Cruz says the wharf has been deemed safe, based on a recently completed sonar and engineering assessment.