The Indian theatrical release of “Santosh,” which landed on the Oscars‘ international feature shortlist, has been delayed due to an unexpected holdup at India’s Central Board of Film ...
During a recent Zoom conversation about “Santosh,” the Oscar-shortlisted international feature, director Sandhya Suri was seated comfortably in a large, nest-like wicker chair that was bolted ...
Santosh Saini (Shahana Goswami), the heroine of the Indian cop drama Santosh, is a young widow whose husband, a police constable named Raman, was killed on duty. When we first meet her, she is ...
“Santosh,” written and directed by Sandhya Suri, is another. Set in rural northern India, it is technically a crime drama in which a police officer investigates a murder. But it’s bigger ...
Sandhya Suri’s Santosh, shortlisted by The Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences for the 97th Oscars in the best international feature category, is a cinematic exploration of power, caste, and ...
Santosh Iyer, MD & CEO of Mercedes-Benz India, has emphasized the need for the government to focus on the democratisation of charging infrastructure and maintain stable taxation to boost the ...
Cannes premiering Santosh from Metrograph Pictures joins Neon’s 2073 in limited release with comedy horror Bloody Axe Wound from RLJ Entertainment/Shudder on several hundred screens for the last ...
After 87 matches and a month and a half of intense action, the stage is set for the Santosh Trophy 2024-25 grand finale between West Bengal and Kerala at the GMC Balayogi Athletic Stadium in ...
West Bengal clinched a record-extending 33rd title at the national football championship for Santosh Trophy with a 1-0 win over Kerala in the final in Hyderabad on Tuesday (December 31).