Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
“Exploring the unlikely rise of the beloved king of the Pride Lands, Mufasa: The Lion King enlists Rafiki to relay the legend of Mufasa to young lion cub Kiara, daughter of Simba and Nala, with Timon ...
Family-friendly movies dominated the Christmas box office. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3 opened in theaters on Dec. 20 and didn't ...
Historically, Disney keeps its movies in theaters for around 90 days before transitioning them to its streaming service. If ...
AS Simba SC gear up for a pivotal CAF Confederation Cup Group A encounter against Algeria’s CS Constantine, their focus will undoubtedly be on neutralizing the opposition’s talismanic playmaker, ...
MUFASA: THE LION KING stars Aaron Pierre and Tiffany Boone are sharing some insights into their characters.
Barry Jenkins is too good a director to disappear altogether inside the creative limitations of “Mufasa: The Lion King.” This ...
The Lion King” isn’t as fun or as smart as its predecessors. But it’s still entertaining enough to be worth a trip to the ...
Nosferatu A gothic tale of obsession between a haunted young woman and the terrifying vampire infatuated with her, ...
Although nothing’s set in stone, voice star Billy Eichner has the perfect idea for a Timon and Pumbaa spinoff alongside Seth ...
Hakuna Matata includes a montage of Simba growing older in The Lion King, and it's now confirmed how much time passed as he, ...
The Lion King” less than a week after “Kraven the Hunter” is somewhat of an oddity or coincidence — and it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that both movies prominently feature ...