The actress, who played Sharpay Evans in the hit Disney movie series, said the now-3-year-old initially thought the character's actor, Zac Efron, was her father, Christopher French. The 39-year ...
Ashley Tisdale's daughter thought her High School Musical co-star Zac Efron was her father. The 39-year-old actress portrayed Sharpay Evans in the Disney Channel hit alongside Zac's Troy Bolton ...
“She thought Zac Efron was her dad,” Tisdale revealed ... why people take pictures” with her mom. “We were at Taylor Swift in Miami and she was like, ‘Mommy, why are they taking ...
The actress, 39, explained during a recent appearance on the Breaking Beauty Podcast that her daughter Jupiter actually believed that her costar Zac Efron was her father after watching the ...
But Jupiter didn’t exactly understand what she was watching. “She thought Zac Efron was her dad,” Tisdale said. “I was like, ‘No, that’s not Daddy,’ ” Tisdale recalled with a laugh.
the actress remembered. But Jupiter didn’t exactly understand what she was watching. “She thought Zac Efron was her dad,” Tisdale said. “I was like, ‘No, that’s not Daddy,’ ” Tisdale recalled with a ...
We got so many good Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce moments on ... the two linked up on the field and there was a big kiss along with an exchange. What was said? Lip-readers think Kelce said ...
Dylan Efron — perhaps best known as Zac Efron‘s brother — has already established himself as the one Faithful with the ability to sniff out a Traitor. His early inkling that super popular ...