Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
Long before Simba’s infamous struggles, the fiery Hakuna Matata, and the drooling hyenas with cross-eyed looks ... mourned Scar’s villainy, and enjoyed Timon and Pumbaa’s foolishness in their youth ...
Timon and Pumbaa arrive at the Australian Outback via parachute. The moment the lift touches the ground, Timon bursts into the open, fantasizing about all the different types of bugs they will eat ...
As Saskatoon’s new city councillors are getting settled in at city hall, the Saskatoon StarPhoenix sat down with each of them to get an idea of what they hope to ...
In September 1946, exactly one year after the end of World War II, Bishop Timon High School started in my grammar school, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in Buffalo’s old First Ward. For three years ...
Meanwhile, a fourth-wall-breaking Timon and Pumbaa, burdened with delivering most of the jokes, have well and truly outstayed their welcome. It's all pretty disappointing, especially considering ...
from the lush jungles Timon and Pumbaa call home to the sinister shadows of Scar's Elephant Graveyard. Simba must escape the wildebeest stampede, drive the hyenas away from Pride Rock, and ...
Timon: Pumbaa, with you, everything's gas ... That confidence quickly diminished as soon as the hyenas laughed and began to surround him and his companions. Mufasa's death remains one of the ...