A species of old-growth tree that is totally new to science has been hiding out in a narrow slice of mountain rainforest in ...
Experts in the environmental sector have emphasized the need for widespread tree planting and the restoration of forest ...
Alicia Boor is an Agriculture and Natural Resources agent in the Cottonwood District (which includes Barton and Ell ...
Millions of hectares of old-growth forest disappearing every year, along with tens of thousands of forest species, scientists ...
Fossils from China’s Turpan-Hami Basin reveal it was a rare land refuge during the end-Permian extinction, with fast ...
"Many locals had never seen water in this part of the Colorado River before." Residents stunned by quiet transformation ...
In a world that looked nothing like today’s, long before the rise of the dinosaurs or even the first trees, giant living ...
Demand for the patchouli plant’s oils has skyrocketed in recent years, and so too has the number of farmers in the region who ...