PTI spokesperson Sheikh Waqas Akram said his party accepted the speaker’s invitation to meet. He said their committee will attend the meeting on Monday. Akram said the PTI founder will be informed ...
the current party spokesperson Sheikh Waqas Akram. For almost 10 months now, the post has been vacant, forcing the National Assembly speaker to give the government and opposition one week to ...
As a result, the PTI protesters, led by the leadership, and on the behest of Zulfi Bukhari, Murad Saeed, Rauf Hassan, Salman Akram Raja, Hammad Azhar, Shaikh Waqas Akram, Shahryar Afridi ...
Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves have surpassed $12 billion for the first time in over two years, aided by the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) where as of November 2024, the ...
The former prime minister and his wife have been named as the primary suspects and PTI leaders, including Ali Amin Gandapur, Umar Ayub, Waqas Akram, Salman Akram Raja, Murad Saeed, Zulfi Bukhari, Rauf ...