New sites for field trials of a UQ strategy to combat Phalaris are needed in southern Qld and northern NSW...Read More ...
Farming groups and politicians have come together to put buffel grass on the agenda ahead of the Federal election, with the ...
If pollen from a hot pepper fertilizes the flower of a sweet pepper, all the hot pepper genes from the father plant go into ...
Bermuda grass is an invasive weed that can be very hard to control. Left unchecked, it can spread rapidly and make lawns incredibly hard to manage.
The Capets family of Murrysville has a positive relationship with bamboo, a grass native to the Asian continent that grows tall and spreads quickly. They've been using it for more than a decade to ...
Invasive grasses can quickly take over rangeland and diminish forage quality. Keeping rangeland healthy by not overgrazing ...
Over the past few years, a new weed has been making an appearance in Southern lawns. Called skyseed, or Chevreul’s sharp lawn ...
The University of Minnesota says there are specific times during the year when lawn maintenance should be done and if you’re ...
Pesky weeds can take over your lawn in spring but a gardening expert has revealed that you don't need to use chemical killers ...
Weeds can be a pest in any garden and can take ages to remove and can look unsightly, ruining the glorious green aesthetic.
You'll likely have to lower your aesthetic standards a bit. But getting to relish two of life's greatest pleasures ...