Ro took a closer look at an at-home cure for erectile dysfunction and discovered it should be taken with a big grain of salt.
If you want to go beyond seasoning a food's natural taste with salt, use season salt. But what is it, and what should you ...
While most experts recommend cutting down on salt, some detractors question whether most people really need to be making ...
Cornell University researchers surveyed 342 horse owners about the type of salt they offered their horses. They learned that ...
If you would like to learn more about the IAEA’s work, sign up for our weekly updates containing our most important news, multimedia and more. Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are nuclear fission reactors ...
Some viewers are concerned about the risk of skin irritation from Meghan Markle's Epsom salt recipe. Here's what ...
Pretty much everyone eats salt, every day, and it’s different now. Yet even kosher salt’s most fervent converts may not entirely understand how it’s different. Kosher salt, like all salt ...
The SALT deduction cap is set to expire at year’s end, along with a host of other tax-policy changes enacted as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Currently, households that itemize may ...
We may earn an affiliate commission from links. We take it for granted, but salt is one of the most important minerals in the world. Throughout history, it’s played an integral role in human ...