Problems in the economy will continue. New Prime Minister of Belarus Aliaksandr Turchyn promises not to adjust the economic course. He said this after the appointment made by Lukashenka today. “My ...
In the latest edition of New Voices Ukraine, tQ's new collaboration with 20ft Radio, Neformat, the British Council and Ukrainian Institute, Yaryna Denysyuk continues her inquiry into the war's ...
This is why he spoke with Turchyn about Russia. Every living and dead lobbyist has been mobilized to secure cheap oil—below market price—to pull two oil refineries out of losses amounting to hundreds ...
"The most serious concern is our engineering industry. You know the reasons—including the situation in the Russian Federation and high interest rates," Turchyn told journalists after meeting with ...
On Monday, Lukashenka replaced the country's prime minister. The government will be headed by Aliaksandr Turchyn. Why did Lukashenka need to remove Raman Halavchenka? Why was the former prime minister ...
Many Ukrainians also viewed Zelensky's rhetoric on the conflict in the eastern Donbas region and relations with Russia as too timid, says communications consultant Yaryna Klyuchkovska. As the ...