Wherever we travel, wherever we find ourselves in this vast world, all we have to do is pay attention, look around, maybe put ...
The folk singer Tom Lehrer penned a famous ditty in which he alluded to spending Jewish holidays in places where the name of ...
Each of my children has different strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. With Hashem’s help, they will all find their own individual paths.
Helen Ready’s 1971 women’s liberation anthem, “I Am Woman Hear Me Roar,” comes to mind when I think of Purim. Remember Esther ...
In the midst of all the noise, may we also tune our hearts to the quieter frequencies: the acts of hidden kindness, the ...
Step one – as epitomized by Purim – is the struggle to bring the Jews together, to unite as a loving community, albeit in a ...
SQLink celebrated its 30th anniversary with a grand Purim event attended by around 4,000 employees, clients, and their ...
On the other hand
In preparation for Pesach (Passover), operation “eggsodus” is underway. Instead of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, this particular exercise involves the movement of millions of eggs to Israel ...
In the Scroll of Esther, revenge is a powerful theme, but just as clearly one that leads to confusion and tragedy.
Now, fast forward to October 6, 2023, when Israelis were living peacefully, happily providing Gazans with an income by ...
Purim is hardly over, and the true faces of the haters and loathers have already been revealed. Not so long ago, it was ...
Israel is back at war, a war they should have and could have finished months ago. The situation we are in today is far from ...