Actor Ram Kapoor nostalgically recalled his Kasamh Se shoot in Dubai with the then 17-year-old Prachi Desai. He revealed in an interview that he also served as her legal guardian during the shoot in ...
Ram Kapoor discusses his experience working with a 17-year-old Prachi Desai on Kasamh Se, acknowledging the large age gap but trusting the show's casting. He highlights the demands of being an ...
Ram Kapoor discusses his experience working with a 17-year-old Prachi Desai on Kasamh Se, acknowledging the large age gap but trusting the show's casting. He highlights the demands of being an actor ...
Ektaa Kapoor's show Kasamh Se was loved by the audience for its plot and romance between Ram Kapoor and Prachi Desai. The show featured the duo in lead roles and became the much popular couple, adored ...