Shortly after the 2024 general election, Sacramento State President Luke Wood met with some of the University’s undocumented students and posed a question. "He said, ‘We can go two ways. We can go ...
The COVID-19 pandemic robbed many Sacramento State graduates of the thrill of walking across the stage at Golden 1 Center and publicly celebrating their academic achievements. On Dec. 14, graduates of ...
Madison Damman loves helping others. From taking care of her grandmother, to teaching people how to swim, helping disabled individuals ride therapy horses, and conducting transportation infrastructure ...
Inside 180 bubbling tanks in Biological Sciences Professor Ron Coleman’s lab, fish called cichlids practice complex courtship rituals, build nests and fight to protect their young. They do so under ...
University President Luke Wood announced the creation of Sacramento State Native American College, the first of its kind in California, offering students an inclusive, Native-based education that ...
International undergraduate applicants (first-time freshmen and transfers) are accepted for both Fall and Spring semester intakes. The filing periods for each intake are as follows: Fall Intake (late ...
Study of Greek and Roman myths and hero tales and their place in the arts and literature of Western civilization. Also provides an introduction to the general nature and function of myth. *Click on ...
Examination of similarities and differences in human behavior, cognition, and emotion across cultures. Empirical evidence from cross-cultural research in the various areas of psychology, including ...
An overview of dress and fashion in western civilization from antiquity to the present. An interdisciplinary approach is used to examine how western fashion has evolved over time and functions as a ...
This course introduces students to environmental science and the interdisciplinary field of environmental studies. The primary focus of the course is the earth, its ecosystems, and the influence of ...
Students will learn basic vocabulary and grammar of American Sign Language. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to exchange basic information about themselves and their families such ...
Overview and analysis of the primary aesthetic tools used to create messages in video and film. The basic properties of light, color, area, space, shape, sound, time and motion are defined and ...